Add Configuration Settings to a Device

You can attach arbitrary key/value pairs, called configuration settings, to a device. Configuration settings can be used to document the state of a device during an experiment, such as its gain, mode, NDFs, etc. Configuration settings may be added on-the-fly in the Devices window after initializing a rig or explicitly defined in a RigDescription.

This tutorial shows how to add configuration settings to a device within a RigDescription.

Step 1: Open or create a rig description

Open or recreate the "Demo" description so you have something to work with.

classdef Demo < symphonyui.core.descriptions.RigDescription


        function obj = Demo()
            import symphonyui.builtin.daqs.*;
            import symphonyui.builtin.devices.*;

            daq = HekaSimulationDaqController();
            obj.daqController = daq;

            % Add a MultiClamp 700B device with name = Amp, channel = 1
            amp = MultiClampDevice('Amp', 1).bindStream(daq.getStream('ao0')).bindStream(daq.getStream('ai0'));

            % Add a LED device with name = Green LED, units = volts
            green = UnitConvertingDevice('Green LED', 'V').bindStream(daq.getStream('ao1'));



Step 2: Add configuration settings

Add a configuration setting named "ndfs" with an initial value of "0.3" to the "Green LED" device by adding a line calling the addConfigurationSetting() method.

green.addConfigurationSetting('ndfs', '0.3');

Add a configuration setting named "gain" with an initial value of "high" to the "Green LED" device by adding another line calling the addConfigurationSetting() method.

green.addConfigurationSetting('gain', 'high');

The "Green LED" device now has two configuration settings.

classdef Demo < symphonyui.core.descriptions.RigDescription


        function obj = Demo()
            import symphonyui.builtin.daqs.*;
            import symphonyui.builtin.devices.*;

            daq = HekaSimulationDaqController();
            obj.daqController = daq;

            % Add a MultiClamp 700B device with name = Amp, channel = 1
            amp = MultiClampDevice('Amp', 1).bindStream(daq.getStream('ao0')).bindStream(daq.getStream('ai0'));

            % Add a LED device with name = Green LED, units = volts
            green = UnitConvertingDevice('Green LED', 'V').bindStream(daq.getStream('ao1'));
            green.addConfigurationSetting('ndfs', '0.3');
            green.addConfigurationSetting('gain', 'high');



Initialize the "Demo" description in Symphony and select Configure > Devices to view and edit the configuration settings.

edit settings

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