Use Property Descriptors in a Protocol

Protocols automatically generate a PropertyDescriptor for all properties based on property attributes defined in the protocol's class. For example, a property with a Constant attribute generates a descriptor with "isReadOnly" true, while a property with a Hidden attribute generates a descriptor with "isHidden" true.

Property attributes may not be sufficient, however, to fully describe a property's type. In that case, you need to explicitly define the type of the PropertyDescriptor.

This tutorial shows how to explicitly define the type of a property's PropertyDescriptor within a protocol.

Step 1: Open or create a protocol

Open or recreate the "Demo" protocol so you have something to work with.

classdef Demo < symphonyui.core.Protocol

        amp = 'Amp'                     % Output amplifier
        preTime = 50                    % Pulse leading duration (ms)
        stimTime = 500                  % Pulse duration (ms)
        tailTime = 50                   % Pulse trailing duration (ms)
        pulseAmplitude = 100            % Pulse amplitude (mV)
        numberOfAverages = 5            % Number of epochs


        function prepareEpoch(obj, epoch)
            [email protected](obj, epoch);

            gen = symphonyui.builtin.stimuli.PulseGenerator();

            gen.preTime = obj.preTime;
            gen.stimTime = obj.stimTime;
            gen.tailTime = obj.tailTime;
            gen.amplitude = obj.pulseAmplitude;
            gen.mean = 0;
            gen.sampleRate = obj.sampleRate;
            gen.units = 'mV';

            stimulus = gen.generate();
            device = obj.rig.getDevice(obj.amp);

            epoch.addStimulus(device, stimulus);

        function tf = shouldContinuePreparingEpochs(obj)
            tf = obj.numEpochsPrepared < obj.numberOfAverages;

        function tf = shouldContinueRun(obj)
            tf = obj.numEpochsCompleted < obj.numberOfAverages;



Step 2: Add type properties

To define the type of individual properties within a protocol you add hidden properties that follow the naming format "[property_name_here]Type" and have a value of class symphonyui.core.PropertyType.

Add a property type to the numberOfAverages property such that the property is constrained to a 16-bit unsigned integer with a value between 1 and 10.

    amp = 'Amp'                     % Output amplifier
    preTime = 50                    % Pulse leading duration (ms)
    stimTime = 500                  % Pulse duration (ms)
    tailTime = 50                   % Pulse trailing duration (ms)
    pulseAmplitude = 100            % Pulse amplitude (mV)
    numberOfAverages = uint16(5)    % Number of epochs

properties (Hidden)
    numberOfAveragesType = symphonyui.core.PropertyType('uint16', 'scalar', [1 10])
Note: You must also change the default value of numberOfAverages such that it fits the new type (i.e. uint16 with a value from 1 to 10).

Add a property type to the amp property such that the property is constrained to a row of chars (i.e. a string) with a value of "Amp", "Amp1", or "Amp2".

    amp = 'Amp'                     % Output amplifier
    preTime = 50                    % Pulse leading duration (ms)
    stimTime = 500                  % Pulse duration (ms)
    tailTime = 50                   % Pulse trailing duration (ms)
    pulseAmplitude = 100            % Pulse amplitude (mV)
    numberOfAverages = uint16(5)    % Number of epochs

properties (Hidden)
    ampType = symphonyui.core.PropertyType('char', 'row', {'Amp', 'Amp1', 'Amp2'})
    numberOfAveragesType = symphonyui.core.PropertyType('uint16', 'scalar', [1 10])

Select the "Demo" protocol in Symphony and see how the use of these types has affected how the properties are edited.


num averages

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