Add Resources to an Entity Description

You can attach arbitrary data, called resources, to an entity. Resources can be used to document information about an entity, such as its collecting area or spectrum. Resources can be explicitly defined in an EntityDescription.

This tutorial shows how to add resources to an EntityDescription.

Step 1: Open or create an entity description

Open or recreate the "Demo" source description so you have something to work with.

classdef Demo < symphonyui.core.persistent.descriptions.SourceDescription


        function obj = Demo()
            obj.addProperty('id', '');
            obj.addProperty('sex', '');



Step 2: Add resources

Add a resource named "spectrum" with data from a table by adding a line calling the addResource() method.

table = [ ...
    321, 0.00;
    513, 0.72;
    741, 0.00];
obj.addResource('spectrum', table);

Add a resource named "collectingArea" with a value of 0.20 by adding another line calling the addResource() method.

obj.addResource('collectingArea', 0.20);

The "Demo" description now defines two resources.

classdef Demo < symphonyui.core.persistent.descriptions.SourceDescription


        function obj = Demo()
            obj.addProperty('id', '');
            obj.addProperty('sex', '');

            table = [ ...
                321, 0.00;
                513, 0.72;
                741, 0.00];
            obj.addResource('spectrum', table);
            obj.addResource('collectingArea', 0.20);



Resources can be accessed within protocols by using the getResource() method.

experiment = obj.persistor.experiment;
sources = experiment.getSources();
demoSource = sources{1};
spectrum = demoSource.getResource('spectrum');
collectingArea = demoSource.getResource('collectingArea');

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